"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but it will never break." -Chinese Proverb



My niece will be 10 tomorrow.  The person that made me an aunt.....the person that healed me from most of my infertility pain......she will be 10 tomorrow.  I remember the day she was born like it was yesterday.  We had a surprise shower for my sister in law in early January and a video camera went around asking people what they thought the gender would be and when the baby would be born.  My SIL wasn't due until early March but for some reason I said February 13.  On February 12, 2003, I was visiting with my grandmother and we were talking.  I was saying that I was wrong about the day the baby would be born because there weren't any signs yet....she hadn't dropped, lost her mucus plug and it was two weeks before the due date.  The next morning, I got up and got a call from my mom at 6:30 saying that SIL was in labour and at the hospital.  Off to work I went, excited beyond belief....all day, I kept calling people to hear about the progress.....One of my clients that day was having a really hard time and was really sick so we drove him home.  On the way back to work I stopped at Zell@rs and picked up a HUGE teddy bear......finally at 3 my supervisor told me to leave.  So off to the hospital I went.  I arrived at 3:15.....it felt like minutes but could have been longer before my brother walked through the door with the BIGGEST grin I had ever seen on his face and tears in his eyes.  "It's a girl!" was all he said before I welled up myself.  I was like her baby stalker from that moment on.....visiting as much as I could, just wanting to spend time with her....and the feeling was mutual....the kid loved (still does) me.....we would go on adventures to the park, play and draw and sing and dance....
Over the years, three more beautiful girls have joined the family (and I remember the circumstances surrounding each one of their announcements and births) plus two nephews....they have healed me in ways I didn't know I needed healing.  They taught me that a person didn't have to be born of me for me to love them so much, they have physical traits similar to mine and they all love me with a ferocious love.  When my boys came home, I don't there was any group of people happier than their cousins.
Happy 10th Birthday to my wonderful niece.  Zia loves you more than you'll ever know!