I remember the day my sister in law told us she was pregnant with S....it was father's day and she had invited everyone over.....we had just had our 2nd failed IUI cycle earlier that month. She answered the door and she was glowing.....I knew.....and I whispered to her, "you're pregnant" she nodded yes......I hugged her.....and stayed on the front porch, where I started crying...... It wasn't that I was upset with her being pregnant....I just wanted it to be me too...I excited for them, secretly knowing it would be a girl.... I remember the day S was born..... the pride and love in my brother's face and he came out of delivery to tell us she was born was a look I will never forget. Then I saw her and she has been my love since. She is an 8 1/2 year old now....and words can't describe how I feel when she asks to spend time with me, when she wants me to tell her things....when she cuddles into me....
Next came E....it was Christmas time and my sister called me at my grandparents house. Before I could even say hello, she was crying....she couldn't tell me she was pregnant....she was sobbing.....we cried together.....and when E was born in Nashville, I was at work at camp, without cell phone reception and I remember calling her the entire day she was being induced....and finally, at dusk time, I called...and he was born..... He is a gentle, smart person (who's turning 7 next week) Who is creative, musical and a showman. He should be famous (according to him) because he can lick his elbow, he saved a life, can sing the Phantom of the Opera and....and....and....I can't remember the last one.
Miss I came next....My brother, sister in law and S went to Italy for a cousins wedding. A few weeks later, after faking that she had gained so much weight in Italy, my sister in law announced she was pregnant....this time, no tears.....In January, I joined our family. I was the person that they called to take care of S. I remember going to bed that night thinking it would be a while still....sure enough, the call came at 2AM.... the baby is coming, please come...I arrived and snuggled up beside S. At 8 the phone rang with my brother telling me that it would probably be lunch before the baby came and to take our time getting to the hospital. S and I had breakfast and were just getting dressed when my brother called again at 8:30 to tell us S was a sister and to get to the hospital ASAP. Miss I was a beauty...with big dark eyes and a dimple in her chin. She is our fashionista, mothering, love who has lots of questions and is always willing to help.
One day, I was sitting in the apartment and my brother knocked on my door, with a very sober face, my heart sank....he then asked me if I had heard about Miss I.... I held my breath afraid of what he was going to tell me next...."She's going to be a big sister" were the words out of his mouth....I punched him so hard before I hugged him. The day F joined our family, I didn't find out until 6 hours later because no one could get a hold of me....I dashed to the hospital to find the cutest little thing wrapped up. F is a great kid, who was known for eating so much as a baby....she full of life and will challenge everything redirection given...I am also honoured I was chosen to be her Godmother.
I'm embarrassed to admit I don't remember how my sister told me that M would be joining our family.......(sorry M!) But I know I was so excited. The day he was born, I had my entire family at our house having a BBQ and my sister was being induced 1300kms away. We stayed in phone contact all day and were so excited when she texted my brother with pictures of the newest addition. Oh, M....he and I are like oil and vinegar.....we love each other so much, but I egg the poor kid on so much. He's a big kid who could whistle at the age of 2....He has a mop of gorgeous curls and just wants to be like his brother. At the age of 3.5, he's reading and is so smart and active...
I knew I loved my nieces and nephews with all my heart, knowing I would die for them, do anything for them but nothing prepared me for the love I felt for Adrien. He came next.....and changed our lives....
And finally, R joined us.....Adrien and I went to visit his cousins a couple of Christmases ago and were greeted by the cousins and my sister in law.....almost in unison, the three girls asked "Guess what? Mommy's going to have a baby!!!!" We were so excited waiting for R, the youngest of four sisters and the only blue eyed girl and a shocking head full of black hair (I remember kissing her head and realizing she hadn't been bathed yet) I got to record her first bath. She joined us last summer....and is the most stubborn headstrong adventurous 1 year old ever....I can't wait to get to know her better as she grows....
These people mean the world to me and my wish for them is a life full of laughter and memories of great times... My loves......