"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but it will never break." -Chinese Proverb


The Greats

Rob and I have been blessed throughout our lives to have family and friends that cherish us and that we cherish.  People who were our cheerleaders through IVF and adoption.  They have since fallen in love with Adrien (how can you not) though there is a set of people in our lives that started as his cheerleading section, loving him, nurturing him and caring for him before us.  They are the Greats, now lovingly known as Grandma and Grampa.  They were his foster parents and lifeline for 9  months though their impact on him and us is everlasting.
The Greats: a loving couple with three adult children and (currently) 9 grandchildren, a couple who love God and live by His word, a couple that love and respect each other, that work together to nurture many many many children (including their own).  A couple who live life as it should be lived, with a belief in God, strong family ties, strong community ties and so smart about life.  Above and beyond all, when I think of the Greats, the first word that comes to mind is LOVE.  These two people LOVE....everything and appreciate everything around them.  I could go on and on about how wonderful they are, though I want to share about what they do for my son.  Three years after he has been in our home, they are still a part of his life, a BIG part.  We visit regularly, talk on the phone and this blog was started as a way to share with them his progress in life.  They have welcomed us, as a family, with open arms into their lives and love us for our strengths, and when asked, will support us with our needs.  They are Adrien's only link to his life before us and I thank them for being open about talking about his first mom, their impressions and thoughts.
Grandma has a very special spot in my heart, aside from loving Adrien, she loves me.  I know she does (and appreciates when she tells me she does), she has made me feel welcomed into her home since day 1 and continues to make me feel comfortable.  I love talking to her, hearing her insight on issues....being around her is so calming for me, I feel as she has adopted me into her life as a daughter and I love her for it. She is someone I can share anything about my life with and know that she is not judging me. I remember the first visit, when I was so overwhelmed with feelings about meeting Adrien, she embraced me and held on to me as tight as I held on to her (and for that, I will, D, never be able to thank you enough)
Grampa is a gentle soul who loves all the children that pass through his home.  He takes the time to talk to and play with these little children, even when he's trying to work.
Last night we went for a visit.  Adrien was excited the whole way up....Grampa was outside laying mulch when we arrived and when Adrien saw his, his eyes lit up and he couldn't get out of the car fast enough, running (jumping) into Grampa's outreached arms.  At the door, Adrien flew into Grandma's arms, talking a mil a minute.  They spent so much time together, talking, playing and singing.  Adrien insists on sitting between them for dinner! And was so proud when he announced that he and Grampa were so hungry from all the hard work they had done.
I truly love these people, I can't say enough about the amazing work they do......because they want to, because they love so much.....
Last night, on the way home, Adrien was glowing.....GLOWING....and talked non stop the whole way home, singing the song the three of them had sung earlier.....  His cup was running over.....and so was mine.
Thank you for your hands in his future.....and ours
Thank you Grandma and Grampa Great!  Just being in your presence feeds our soul.....We love you so much and you are important members of our family.



My kid LOVED bubbles...though I think he comes by it honestly as I LOVE them too!


The Crib

Now that our home study and profile are complete, a child could join our family at any time.  I bought a crib because I believe that "if you build it, they will come" (Field of Dreams)....the crib arrived Saturday night.....Adrien was so excited.....and Sunday morning we put it together....he asked when the baby was coming and I told him that we put it together for when his baby cousin comes to visit next weekend.  He was great with that....then today, we were playing hide and go seek.  He dived into the crib and got cozy in his crib hiding place proclaiming it "his favourite spot ever".  This from a child who refused to sleep in his own crib.  Tonight he asked to sleep in the crib....trying to call his bluff, we let him.  So after his stories he announced it was time for bed and climbed into the crib.  After about a half an hour, he got out....I tried to get him to get cozy in his bed until he started to get teary eyed.  When I asked him what was wrong, he stated he just wanted his train pillow.  With his pillow in hand, he climbed back into the crib and fell asleep......Really?????

Asleep in a crib for the first time in over almost 3 years!



Pretending to be surprised

My handsome boy

After over three hours of swimming, they still had energy to play!


As of late...picture and word update

Swimming....on this 6th lesson, the boy is excelling in the water, his fear has subsided and now he just has to learn how to hold his breath underwater and he is a fish.  He doesn't want his coach holding him and wants to dive under the water....

With the beautiful warm spring weather, we have been hanging out in the neighbourhood tons, playing, chilling and playing in the backyard.  He's becoming more adventurous and brave with everything he tries.  Such a four year old!

Soccer....he was so excited about getting a uniform, a ball and having snack there until we got there and then fear took over....long story short, I am now the assistant coach in hopes of getting him to participate on the field.  He's a natural!

Squishy baff...not loved at all....though it is pretty cool, he would have none of it!
Hopscotch.....his new favourite past time

In the blink of an eye

Adrien's 1st birthday

Adrien 2nd Birthday

Adrien's 3rd birthday

Adrien's 4th birthday

May 18, 2009

I found a blog that I had started when I left my blog at ivf.ca and started a new one.....(then I changed my mind about that blog and started this one)....there are some entries that I had forgotten about...some depressing and sad, but this one....I remember this so clearly and with a full heart....
Ok.....so his birthday was great.....we bonded....YEAH....WE'VE BONDED!!!!! We got to spend 5 hours with him, I changed his diaper, fed him dinner, gave him a bath and put him to bed.....Yesterday I felt like a mom.....I miss him so much....I want him home with me.....My favourite part of yesterday was when the three of us went for a walk in the backyard (it's a farm) and we sat Adrien on a blanket....Hubby and I laid down and played with him....hubby rolled over and rested his head on my back while Adrien and I played with bubbles.....it was during that time that I thought "This is my family......these are my boys.....the love in my heart is running over."