"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but it will never break." -Chinese Proverb


Final leg

We are in the final leg of our vacation wait time..... the countdown calendar now has more blank spots that Disney characters. We are packed (mostly) and anxiously awaiting our departure date. Every morning, Adrien will ask if we leave today and every morning, we come down to the calendar to show him how many more days. We have almost everthing in place, with a hotel stay in Buffalo the night before long term parking included in the price. All our paper work is ready, including flight information, transfer numbers and boarding ship time (which is 1:00 to 1:30)... Just last minute things need to get done, like change currency, pack a plane bag, pack an overnight hotel bag and snacks. It'll be fabulous. I have purchased a journal that I plan on writing in every morning of our trip recapping the previous day's events and tons of pictures....I'm even borrowing an underwater camera from a fabulous friend so I can get some great shots in the ocean and pool. It's so soon yet so far away!


10 Years

10 years ago I married a man.....a man that I wanted to share my life with, build a family with, spend time with and just be with. There were many people telling us that it wouldn't last, that we had too many issues individually and as a couple ... Surprisingly they were right, we did have a lot of baggage.... we had a lot of child hood hurt, we had a lot of healing to do. But the one thing we knew was that we wanted a family....a family of our own, lots and lots of children to love and nurture. And right from the start that was a struggle.....we fought, we were angry and we were hurt, but within that we found a way to nurture each other, to support each other and to love each other. Today, I can honestly say that I love my husband to a degree that I did not know was possible, he is my confidante, my cheer leader, my partner and a fabulous father to our son. And though the first 10 years had a LOT of bumps.....I think we have ironed them out wonderfully and are able to enjoy each other, love each other and accept each other for who we are. We make each other stronger, we make each other smarter and we make each other better as people in our world. I look forward to many many many more years with this wonderful man that I am lucky enough to call my husband and life partner.

And now a poem that was read to us, by our friends and family during our ceremony........
Now we feel no rain, for each of us will be a sheltar to the other.Now we feel no cold, for each of us will be warmth to the other.Now there is no loneliness, for each of us will be a companion to the other.We are two bodies, but there is one life before us and one home.When evening falls, I'll look up and there you will be.I'll take your hand; you'll take mine and we'll turn togetherto look at the road we travelled to reach this:the hour of our happiness.It stretches behind us, even as the future lies ahead.A long and winding road, whose every turning means discovery.Old hopes, new laughter, shared fears.The adventure has just begun.--Author Unknown

I love you Babe..... and not to sound corny, but you do complete me.....

Happy Anniversary!


Tons of pictures post (from a busy weekend)

I have been going crazy without a computer the last three or four weeks, my mind has been a blur....needing to get on line without restrictions! A wonderful neighbour IT friend has lent me a laptop until my returns.....YAY! So this post will be ALL the pictures since that fateful day!

Getting ready to go see Toopy and Binoo on stage. He LOVED it....he couldn't take his eyes off the stage and when it was all over, he asked to return the following day!

Birthday party at Springridge farm, painting a pumpkin.....it was the most beautiful pumpkin in the bunch!

Playing in the sand at Springridge. He loved playing with the diggers and all the toy tractors.

He wanted a picture with all the pumpkins, so as we left, I was able to snap one of him.....

We had a second birthday party that day and had some lag time, so we drove down to the lake to throw rocks, play at the park and climb......

I love this picture of him staring at the waves, it was really windy and chilly that day and all he wanted to do was watch the waves.....and throw rocks......

See his rock mid air! He's awesome!

At the second birthday party, it was a sports theme and he won a medal.....he was so proud of himself and I was so proud of him for listening to the instructors and following directions!

Then, we went to Snyders Family Farm! He loved the Pirate ship park......

.....the hay climber................................

...............the tractors like nonno and zio.........................................

..................the bouncy castle.............................

..................and the chocolate........................

I can't believe we did all that in ONE weekend......

Playing on the street with his beloved plasma car................

.................and Thanksgiving at Nonno's.....with a walking stick that Zio found for him!

In other news.........we are now counting down quickly for our Disney Cruise and are beside ourselves with excitement. We booked this trip in April and it has felt like FOREVER to get here......Can't wait, and hopefully I'll have my laptop so I can document and journal while aboard!



Last night we attended our 4th PRIDE training. It was focused on loss. Not just of the loss to the child but the loss suffered at all different levels of the parents, family, foster family and adoptive family. It was an emotionally tough to think about our possible child suffering so many losses.
Adrien suffered two major losses, first his birthmom and family, then his foster family....I don't want him to feel those losses, I don't want him to be sad.....I know it's normal and realistic and he was lucky with "only" 2 losses.....Some of these children go throw so many losses they no longer feel worthy of love, of security, of anything that is a human's basic need. It was the first time in the last four weeks, that a session "got" to me......I left there wanting to quit my job and open up our home to all the hurting children in the world...it's not an option right now....but soon, it could be a very real possiblity......


All about everything!

Things are crazy.....between PRIDE, swimming lessons, the excitement of the cruise, Thanksgiving and work....
We finished our 3rd PRIDE training.....I don't know how I feel about it....confused, angry at the abuse kids suffer and just trying to get through it knowing how lucky we are to have our boy.
Swimming lessons....he goes into the lesson without me....I know it's big for him but it's HUGE for me...I'm trusting teenagers to keep my son safe in water....he didn't want to go to that lesson, didn't want to go by himself....until I shared with him that there would be a pool on the boat and Mickey would see him swim.....he went in....he listened to the instructors though he kept making sure I was there and waving him....I totally look like the crazy mother on the side lines!
Thanksgiving....we will be celebrating with family on Monday and hubby gets to work all weekend....YIPEEEEE.....NOT! So I'm hoping to get some packing done and cleaning of the house while keeping an active preschooler occupied with anything BUT the TV!
We leave for our cruise so soon....the Mickey count down has begun......I need the break...now it's just sorting out the little details about hotel and parking......
And work.....well, it's work....and things are stressful....more than usual....and that too shall pass...

Plus my laptop, my computer, my holder of all my information is the shop and has been there for a week or 10 days and who knows when it's coming home.....