"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but it will never break." -Chinese Proverb


My brothers are amazing.  As kids we may not have always gotten along, but as adults I have a great relationship with them.  What I'm enjoying now is watching them create relationships with my boys.  My oldest younger brother teaches the boys about stuff around the house, explains concepts with them and plays with them.  My youngest brother is more of the playboy type, lots of girls, motorcycles, big dog....and music......it's all about the music for Zio (Italian for Uncle) and Adrien, with the turn tables, flashing lights, big speakers.......
Today, my grandmother had a tumor removed so I went to see her.  Then we went to visit my brother...and the boys bonded over music....



Life is going.....filled with appointments, playdates, meetings...etc......but at the end of the day, it's about my boys....all three of them.....
As today is a PD for Adrien, we were able to play and have fun while Ryan was napping.



We had a family birthday party for Ryan yesterday and loved the full house of family and a few close friends.  We played, opened presents and ate cake.
Ryan had a smashing time!

And today, while Ryan is napping, Adrien is making his birthday list of people he wants to come.  So cute....
making his list


6 things a child needs to hear

I found this on a blog that I follow......that blogger found the saying on a poster......I love it and will work hard in saying/doing this with my kids.‎

6 things a child needs to hear everyday:
I believe in you
I trust you
I know you can handle this
You are listened to
You are cared for
You are very important to me


Dear Greats

We had such a beautiful visit last night, it's what we look forward from the time the visit is set until we are enveloped into your arms.  Adrien comes alive in your presence and is so happy being with you both.  For that, I am so grateful.....our visit was exactly what he needed.....to remember where he came from to feel comfortable where he belongs.  Hubby and I seem consumed in this transition with Ryan and we are worried about how Ryan is doing that sometimes we don't see how this transition has affected Adrien.  It came out in his words, wanting to move back with you.......I think he wasn't able to tell us what was going on for him....reconnecting with you has done him a world of good.....and now we will bask in the glow of love that you both exude.
Thank you doesn't seem enough in what you do for Adrien and our family......From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much for loving him and us........You make us better people and we blossom in your love.  Thank you.



I have a love hate relationship with Pinterest, I love the stuff that is posted and would love to make them but hate that I forget to do them.  I was going through all my "pins" the other day and came across an idea that I loved.....so I decided that it HAD to be made....though it's not perfect, I think it turned out fabulously.

It is proudly hanging in our family room.....I think I will make this every other year to see how the hands grow!


Fire Truck

I was forwarded a web site from my friend.....it's a do it yourself home decor site by an American woman located in Alaska.....she is amazing! I have been looking through her blog as I would LOVE the boys to have bunk beds...though I haven't found anything in stores that I  think is "safe" for my kids. I'm not a fan of ladders....they scare me....I want a bed that has the stairs that go up to the second bunk.  Looking through her site, I have found bunk beds that I love.....the one the boys love is a Fire Truck and though it is a loft bed, I think with a few modifications, it would work as a bunk..... I plan to do this project over the summer.....hopefully, I will have some friends who are willing to lend a hand!


Asking for Help

So......after a heart felt talk with hubby, we have decided to ask for help from the social worker.  She came today.....we asked for help....and got some....was it what we were looking for? Not 100% but it's better than nothing.  YAY!!!
As for other services, we have regular SLP sessions, we have booked an OT assessment with a private provider.....we have an assessment with Infant Development, we have a consult with an ophthalmologist, we have a hearing test tomorrow and a referral for a sleep assessment.  Why so many tests and appointments?  To rule everything out and to ensure that we have the best proactive strategies in place to help Ryan reach his potential to ensure his best quality of life.  This child is so clever...and is trying to over come so many things.  i need to be more patient and understanding....I need to remember that he's only been here for 8 weeks (already, I know!) and that he has almost two years of history that needs to be rewritten.
We know for sure he has an oral motor delay, that is being addressed by the SLP.  He has sensory processing issues, that will be addressed by the OT.  He has sight issues that could hinder how he interprets his environment so we are seeing an eye specialist in a big city.  He has some behavioural issues and when the social worker saw him today shared that he reminder he of another client and it turned out that child wasn't getting enough REM sleep so we have booked a sleep study assessment for him..... so many things to do.....but in the end, it's all for him, because he deserves the best...... and though frustrated at times, we love him so much.



Things have been difficult the last few days with Ryan.  It seems like we get a stretch of good days (2 steps forward) then a few hard days (one step back).  We have had visitors and he has been hitting kids, he cries/whines from the time he wakes up until he goes to sleep.  He's trying to get into everything, take everything from Adrien and just over all unsettled.  I'm coming to terms with the fact that there is a very real possibility that he has a form of Sensory Processing Disorder and have been reading book upon book (though I know about SPD for work, it's different when it's at home) and have found exercises and strategies to help him learn to integrate his senses.  He's slowly coming along with his speech and is very very quick to learn new signs and use them unprompted, though he needs a lot of modeling for the words, which makes sense as he has an oral motor delay, that can be directly related to SPD.  We continue to go forward and keep working with him, he is  very very clever child and learns best through observation.  He is an endearing child who hubby and I continue to fall more and more in love with each day.  Sometimes though, the challenges are overwhelming and I just want to cry.
Adrien seems to be doing ok though he stated that when he grew up he would be moving back in with Grandma and Grandpa Great.  Though this broke our heart, we realize he is just trying to figure out where he belongs and his identity as a person in our family, community and society.  Since starting school, he has matured so much.....he is no longer a preschooler and definitely a little boy, with independent original thoughts.  Though we had it easy with him as a baby until now, I have a sneaking suspicion that parenting him could become more challenging as he is very persuasive and logically in his arguments  in why  he should be allowed to do or have something.  I just want to eat him up when he uses big kid words like impossible and appropriate.
Lots of great things happening around here along with some things that need to be taught and redirected.....but it all makes it worth it when the boys love on each other and on us.

also..... www.adrienandryan.blogspot.com has gone private.  If you would like to be added to the list, please comment with your email address.