"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but it will never break." -Chinese Proverb


Change, change everywhere change

I know that life changes....and it's one change after another.....I get it....and for the most part I enjoy change.....A was a GREAT change, our new house was a good change, the new baby my SIL is having is a great change, A getting baptized is a good change....there are just some changes that I am not looking forward to nor am I excited about.....My job is changing on Monday. I have not left my current job or position....it's just changing.....and I don't know what to expect....it freaks me out....the uncertaintity that comes with it can be overwhelming....I have noticed behaviour changes in me due to this stress in my life (and compounded with the fact that I have to get my entire pacemaker changed too soon). I always thought that I dealed with stress ok...but I find that I can't get motivated to clean/tidy up, can't drag myself to a grocery store...don't feel like socializing...am snapping at my hubby a little bit more and don't have the same level of patience with A that I normally do. It's not fair to my family....but all I want to do is sleep....I know that as of tomorrow I will have ALL the answers to ALL my changes coming up but I'm ready to pull my hair out until then......
Adrien is doing great....I'm STILL waiting for his Adoption Order to come in the mail....hopefully today! We met with the priest last night and he has agreed to baptize Adrien and then wants R and I to get our marriage blessed in the Church because according to the priest, our first mistake was NOT getting married in the Church....but how do you explain to a 95 year old man who doesn't hear very well about your choices at the age of 27! Anyways, the baptismal date is set, it will be a small gathering of family with a small lunch at our house afterwards! I can't wait to post pictures....my Brother and SIL are his Godparents and they want to buy him his outfit.....I think SIL will be leaning towards a white suit....how cute will Adrien be!

1 comment:

  1. I am here if you want to vent

    OMG Adrien in a little white suit!! I need to see pics hehe
